
Publications and advertising material are usually produced by external service providers (agencies, printers). The fonts to be used are software that is protected by copyright. In order to use them, the appointed service providers must own appropriate rights of use (licenses) or, if these are not available, must purchase them. The examples of applications over the following pages do not offer solutions for all conceivable situations. Instead, they serve as a guide from which further design implementations can be developed.


The design guidelines for items such as promotional materials, like lanyards, are somewhat more flexible in their definition. However, it's important to consistently maintain the logo's designated clear space and incorporate brand colors into every design.



The design guidelines for items such as promotional materials, like calendars, are somewhat more flexible in their definition. However, it's important to consistently maintain the logo's designated clear space and incorporate brand colors into every design. You also have the possibility to download a coverpage for the calendar 2024 below. 


Donation Check

A large ceremonial check to announce the donation amount to the charity, symbolizing support and contribution to the cause.


Exhibition Wall

A printed exhibition wall that showcases key brand elements and messaging through designed panels, engaging and informing visitors about the company's identity and values.