
The logo is the basis for a company’s image, an optical sign that serves as an identifying feature for the entire company. The shape and color are strictly defined and must not be changed.

The logo of the Hamburger Containerboard companies consists of a design mark, a word mark and the „We will.“ claim. The design mark is generally placed over the word mark.

The „We will.“ claim is attached on the right hand side, vertically centered with the text grid and in the same color as the Hamburger Containerboard design mark. Do not translate or change the brand name and „We will.“, it has to stay in English.


There is a proportional relationship between the company’s word and design marks, which is based on an invisible grid. The structure and layout are strictly defined and must not be changed.

Safe Space

The free space around the brand that is specified here is part of the logo. To ensure optimum recognizability, this free space must be maintained between the brand and the next object or the edge of the next format.

To guarantee enough space for the whole design mark, a rectangular free space must be maintained. The size of the free space is defined by the height of the company name, group name and the space between them added together.

Positive & negative

Use Black/White or White/Black versions of the logo in exceptional case only.
Not allowed for any signage!



With "We will."
  • Business cards
  • Letterhead
  • Envelope
  • Greeting card
  • Shipping notes 
  • Invoices, order forms
  • Job advertisement
  • Press release
Without "We will."
  • Slide presentation
  • Roll Ups
  • Office supplies
  • Website
  • Advertisement materials: pens, calendar, …
  • Working clothes
  • T-Shirts, bags, ...
  • „Top of plant“ signage
  • Pylon
  • Flags
  • Trucks

Usage small

If the logo size has to be less than 5cm in usage a special version of the logo for small applications will be used. 
This version has a thicker font style for better readability as well as visibility. 
An example is displayed below. You can see the original logo version on the left and the version for smaller usage on the right and below in different small sizes. You can download all versions in the download section below. 



The logo is generally positioned horizontally, preferably in the center of the format width. The minimum distance from the edge of the format is the same as the free space around the brand.



The logo must not be altered. No shifts within the logo or changes in its proportions or position are permitted. No colors other than those that have been defined may be used. Omissions and additions are not permitted. The logo must not be broken up (presentation in a single line).

“Busy” backgrounds that do not provide a clear contrast against the logo should be avoided.