Apprenticeships Campaign 2023 | Pitten, Austria


We have developed a campaign specifically tailored to reach out to teenagers for Hamburger Containerboard in Pitten. Utilizing captivating visuals designed to instantly captivate attention, coupled with headlines that directly address the topic of apprenticeship, we aim to make a compelling impact. Through a strong local presence consisting of posters, billboards, advertisements, and an online campaign, along with targeted initiatives within nearby schools, we have successfully motivated teenagers to consider applying to Hamburger Containerboard.

Key Visuals 

Our key visuals feature a variety of animals, showcasing the boundless opportunities available through an apprenticeship at Hamburger Containerboard. With exaggerated depictions of animals in human professions, we aim to emphasize the exceptional nature of our offerings and, more importantly, resonate with our youthful target audience. The campaign has been executed in the German language to effectively reach our desired demographic.


Key Performance Indicators

The campaign aimed to direct interested youth to register for the information days in Pitten and, in the long run, to fill the open apprenticeship positions.

The online advertisements complemented the ongoing apprenticeship campaign in the out-of-home (OOH) sector and enhanced the recognition value of the attention-grabbing animal motifs.

In total, nearly half a million individuals were exposed to our online advertisements, resulting in approximately 4,000 clicks each for both Social Media and Google Ads.

Backed by flyers, school visits, posters, and even advertising on the rear of buses, this campaign proved to be a resounding success overall.

In case you are interested in starting a specific campaign for your location or need further information, please contact:

Christiane Tache
Marketing & Sales Assistant