
If you are a content creator for Hamburger Containerboard, all you need is your smartphone. Just follow these guidelines:

  • Create photos or videos with a message.
  • Always clean your camera lens before capturing photos or videos.
  • Use the highest possible resolution for capturing photos or videos (minimum 4K).
  • Ensure proper exposure.
  • Pay attention to the right angles and proportions in your photos or videos.
  • Capture vivid and dynamic moments (action shots, short videos).
  • For videos: Keep sequences short, no more than 5-20 seconds per video.
  • Don't hesitate to re-shoot if you're not satisfied; it's not live.



Always consider the possibility of optimizing your photos or videos. Here are some quick fixes you can try:

  • Utilize the automatic optimization feature (often represented as the 'magic wand') on your phone for quick edits.
  • Crop images if you're not satisfied with the surroundings.
  • Never use preset filters.
  • You can always make adjustments to lighting and colors to a certain extent.
  • For videos, you can trim the length if it's too long.
  • If sound is not desired, you have the option to mute the video.



Before posting content, always consider the following:

  • What message do you want to convey to your audience?
  • Keep it concise and straightforward.
  • Organize and structure your post effectively.
  • Tailor your message and text to match the platform and your target audience.
  • Utilize the corporate style and language, while ensuring it's adapted for social media.